Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Should I Give You My Heart? (Poem By Elle Prince)

If I see you, that would cloud my ability to get you out of my head.
The same head that doesn’t allow me to share your bed.
At this time of my life I am not sure I want to share that part of me.
And risk the fact that we could never be
Oh but how the idea of you keeps me smiling
It’s like my soul is complete and my heart is dancing.
Then I remember the man, yes the man you are
And my experience with those I have had thus far
They cheat, they lie, and they break your heart without remorse
Should I lay in the cut and let the damage take its course?
Or should I, no really should I give you my heart?
And relinquish all fear
Of not knowing if you are like all the rest
Or not allowing you close to me, nowhere near
To protect the heart that I freely gave before
I mustn’t see you or come close to opening that door
Though the curve of your lips and the swagger in your step
Propels me to another level of wanting you.
The history of your sex and the pain caused by those like you
Make me not even want to deal with you.
But oh how you make me feel like I’ve never felt with anyone else
Then I recall the others and the pain they dealt.
Could it be that you are unlike them? Don’t possess the same venom?
Highly unlikely since I see traces of that already
The ability you have to make me forget all about me
The needs, the desires and the plans I have for my life
To find true love and someone to share that with, love without reprimand
You can’t possibly be that one because of the appendage on your fourth finger, left hand
I can’t be “the one”, a title you would willingly allow me to share
You could never be mine so why should I care
The question remains will my life continue with or without you
Or should I give you my heart filled with love so true?
Should that be a benefit that’s bestowed upon you without merit?
Or should it be let go like the ebbing tide that washes away my inhibitions?
Should I give you my heart to set up for heartbreak in your care?
To wish for you, long for you and know you can’t be there
To aspire for the life that you chose to have with her
The blame lies on me, for allowing this relationship to even start
I know in the annals of my mind I should’ve never given my heart.
I’ll learn my lesson one day when the perfect man comes to me
And my misguided love for you will not allow me to see.
The potential that a true love can provide from the startAnd answer the question, should I really have given my heart