Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Thank You (Poem By Elle Prince)

Yesterday I awoke consumed by the trauma of my life
Stressed by the tragic circumstances of being someone else’s wife.
The night before I went to sleep the same way.
Confused and alone, unable to find a restful place to stay.
The next morning I saw your face and the uneasiness faded away
In your warm embrace I found solace
Though I knew it wasn't right, I found myself wanting to stay
With you now in my life, I knew I’d okay
We always want what we can't have, someone said once before
I found myself knowing the right but wanting the wrong more.

I can’t believe that one tender, innocent kiss
Was able to erase the pain of my heart and make my life's drama not exist
And remind me of the compassion of a man I have greatly missed.
I often feel like the walls are closing in on me
Then you came into my life and chose to be there to rescue me
I know that when my world starts to crumble around me
I remember that if I don’t have anything else I have you for as long as you’ll have me.
And for that I thank you.

Even if tomorrow you come to your senses and it finds me without you
I can recall the words you spoke to my heart so true
You have been the calmness during my storms.
You are what’s right in my life when it seems to go so wrong.
You make my heart smile with just a single thought of you
The few stolen moments we’ve shared between just us two
Will forever be emblazoned in my shattered heart
And for that I thank you.

When I’m with you, my problems seem so far away
The tone of your voice, your sweet nature, just your way.
The manner in which you make me feel as if I am the only woman in the world
Though I know in my heart our circumstances won't ever allow me to be your girl.
I thank God for blessing me once again and placing you in my life.
To relieve me of my hurt, despair and overwhelming strife.
And if tomorrow comes and I am forced to face life without you
I can recall how your words, your smile, your embrace got me through.
And I thank you.

Thank you for the strong shoulder you allowed me to cry on
Thank you for a special friendship I can rely upon
Thank you for seeing past what I wanted the world to see
Thank you for accepting and getting to know the real “me”
Though I know because of our situations, this is probably the closest we’ll ever get
I thank you and God for the first time we met.
I never thought you were such a special person but then I knew for sure
How you encouraged and guided me and gave me the strength to endure
All the situations that I constantly find myself faced with.
Having you around me to pick up the pieces has truly been a wonderful gift.
And if tomorrow comes and you choose to go your own way
The strength and power you have given me will make it okay
For me to pursue another pain free day
And I thank you.