Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Not For Me (Poem By Elle Prince)

The flowers you gave smelling like sunflowers in the morning dew.
A sentiment of tenderness and love shared
Just not between me and you.

The kind thought expressed regardless of what the other was feeling
It’s a shame they couldn’t be shared with me your life partner
Rather than the one with whom you were dealing.

The sparkle of the bracelet shows the love shared
So thoughtful and kind
Too bad it shone upon your lover’s wrist and not mine.

The letters that spoke of the devotion that my dreams were made of
It’s a shame that I was unable to partake in my own dream
I took care of the kids; you took care of your needs
We were never part of the same team

Just once I wanted to be the recipient of the worship
You bestowed on everyone but me
Loving you and bearing your children
Wasn’t enough for you to see.

That I was worth your thoughts
I was worth your time
I was worth your love
Though you were never worthy of mine

I am not sure you ever were
As long as I look back now on our life together
You chose others’ attention over mine
I refuse to hold onto that pain forever

I will dust the sorrow of your choice off my heart
and no longer own the shame
Of loving you and giving my all to you
While instead you loved what’s her name

So now I know the love you shared was never meant for me
I deserve better and I’m destined to become
more than you allowed me to be

Finally I see what I wanted all along
reside in the strength of the man up above
Rather than the man I thought you were and who I chose to love

My heart is unreceptive and
My emotions are now numb
My confidence in myself is shaken
How could I have been so dumb?

My worse regret is that love had me too blind to see
But no matter how hard I tried or how you didn’t
You simply were not for me