Saturday, May 30, 2009

Prologue to "Tears May Fall"

Karina sat at her mahogany desk with her back facing the Hudson River as her backdrop. She could feel the permeating heat of the sun on her Chanel bolero as she held the phone to her eyes and tapped her pen on the desk in frustration.

“One million, three hundred seventy five thousand is the asking price for that listing, Ms. Laser,” Karina said not understanding why this woman kept asking the same lame questions. She was ready to seal this deal and this woman was holding up her progress. “I actually have some free time this afternoon if you would like to view the house. I think it would be perfect for you” she lied rolling her amber eyes up to the ceiling and hoping this was the last time she had to suck up to this overly privileged heiress. Karina knew that no matter what her client, Ms. Laser would not keep the appointment even if she agreed to one. She was one of those people that thought their time was more important than anyone else’s just because she was worth $150 million thanks to her rich daddy.

“Uh…Karina…I’m swamped today with this charity meeting. Maybe we can schedule something for early next week when my calendar is clear. I will have my secretary call you when I am available” Ms. Laser replied pissing Karina off further because she knew a blow off when she heard one. She had been dealing with this pampered princess for six months now and knew how she operated. Karina had shown Ms. Laser everything available home on the market—some twice and she could not make up her mind.

“Very well Ms. Laser…why don’t I give your secretary a call mid next week for an appointment” Karina retorted sarcastically. She could a slight attitude rising up inside of her but she still maintained her professionalism. Karina knew Ms. Laser was never going to call her, however, that was the name of the game…the real estate game that is.

Being a 39-year-old real estate broker with the Dashing Agency, one of the largest firms in New York City was not an easy task considering where she came from. Karina Taylor had quickly risen up the ranks of stuffy old Jewish men and corporate ladder climbing whores to acquire the title of senior broker within two years of joining the firm. She was known for her persistent manner and killer legs. Selling homes was a dream of Karina’s as far back as she could remember. Back when she actually had dreams and her nightmares hadn’t haunted her. Now her dreams were coming true…she was selling million dollar homes to millionaires that had nothing better to do with their money. Karina knew her job was a hustle, more than a 9 to 5. Hustling was something that Karina was familiar with in many ways.

“I don’t need her,” Karina thought to herself as she remembered the numerous clients she had waiting in the wings and the multitude of millionaires in her rolodex. Over the last two years at Dashing, she had made a good name for herself and did not really need to sweat anyone for business. It helped that she had her mother’s looks and a killer body to match.

Karina replaced the phone to the hook and leaned back in her high back leather executive chair with a sigh. She gazed at the flat screen panel monitor accessing her email. “101 emails? I guess I got to get to them sometime,” she thought to herself aloud.

“Ms. Taylor…there is a call for you on line 2” a female voice came from the speakerphone infiltrating her silence.

“Thank you Caroline” Karina replied removing her Monet clip earring and lifting the receiver to her ear. “This is Karina Taylor,” she asked balancing the phone in the crook of her thin neck. All she could hear was heavy breathing on the other end. She could tell someone was there.
“Hello…can I help you?” her question was answered by an ominous dial tone.

“What the heck…” Karina said aloud hanging the phone up. “This nonsense has to stop”. Karina had been receiving mysterious hang up calls for a while now. She would get them at the office, at home, on her cell. It was getting to the point where she was actually getting scared. Before it was just an annoyance but now she had a strange feeling that something was going to happen. Someone was watching her, waiting to harm her. It was just her and her children living at home and Karina wondered if she should still consider getting some sort of protection. The thought quickly slipped her mind as the phone buzzed again.

“Ms. Taylor…it is your son on line 1” the female voice from the speakerphone said interrupting her thoughts once again.

“Thank you Caroline” Karina excitedly picked up the phone again. “Hey handsome…whatcha doin’? She asked in her best slang.

“Nuttin’ Ma. Can I go to Derrick’s house tonight? His mom bought him a new Xbox and I want to check it out”. Her son, Aaron said sounding like every bit the 13 year old that he was. She could not believe how much he reminded her of his father.

“Well hello to you Mr. Aaron, how are you doing, I am fine, thanks for asking” Karina mocked waiting for a response with a smirk on her face.

“Dang, I’m sorry Ma…how is your day going? Aaron replied getting the hint of her sarcasm.

“Its okay honey…could be better” Karina stopped herself before she began regaling him with adult things. “Now what time are you going to Derrick’s house?” she asked getting back to the matter at hand.

“I’m gonna head over there now. His moms is gonna drive me home later” he replied taking care of her next question. He always had a way of knowing what she was thinking. She often wondered if he was playing her but did not want to smother him. After all, she was teenager once.

“That’s fine Aaron but make sure your homework is done. Make sure Derrick’s mom is definitely going to bring you home because I’m working tonight”.

“Iight thanks Ma…I’ll holla…I mean I will call you later on” Aaron replied correcting the slang that his mother hated to hear come out of his mouth. You are such a handsome young man but you talk like such a hood rat, she would say. “I love you Ma,” he added hoping that would buy him an extra few hours at his friend’s house.

“I love you too baby” Karina replied beaming from ear to ear. She thought to herself how special he was to her as she placed the receiver back in its cradle.

Karina was amazed how well her life turned out. She was making great money without anyone’s help. She had two fabulous kids, a great home, fly car. The only thing missing was someone with whom to share all of it. She knew in her heart she wanted to be loved, touched by a man but common sense told her that men were more trouble than they were worth. She chuckled to herself and recalled how true that really was. Men had been nothing but problems for her and now she was free of that burden. Now it was her and her children against the world and that was just fine for her. Her life until now had been filled with lies, deceit, adversity and heartache complete with no good men. Yet she was here standing strong. That which did not kill her literally made her stronger. To Karina that in itself was enough to be grateful for. Aaron, her 13-year-old son was handsome as ever and trying to make his own way in the world. Karina had made sure that he and his older sister Christina had a good, stable life without the stigma of their deadbeat father. Christina was now a 19-year-old sophomore at Vassar and resembled a young Mariah Carey with her tall, slender body and long curly hair. She looked exactly like Karina at that same age. She was optimistic that her oldest child had a good head on her shoulders. Shortly after graduating from her prestigious private high school Chrissie, as she was affectionately known, was adamant about going to college. Karina was overwhelmed with pride that her only daughter was intelligent enough to know that education was the key to her future. Her only wish was that Aaron would follow his big sister’s example. By the time Karina was her daughter’s age she had given birth to her and given her up for adoption. It was clear however that Christina was on a better path. That was more than Karina had at that age. She glanced at the Mikasa 8x10 glass frame on her desk holding the impromptu phone of her, Aaron, and Christina in Central Park last summer. She gently caressed the corner of the frame and closed her eyes when her phone buzzed again. She took a moment to compose herself before she picked up the phone.

“Yes Lena” Karina said annoyed that her tender moment was disturbed.

“You have another call on line one” Lena announced on the speakerphone again.

“Thanks Lena” Karina said as she answered the second line. “Hello Karina Taylor” she said professionally. She waited to see who was on the other end but there was no answer. She could hear faint breathing on the other end but no one was saying anything. “Is there someone there?” she asked again before she heard the phone click to dial tone. “What the hell?” she whispered to herself as she put the phone down. Karina could not help but think that this was her past coming back to haunt her.